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Vision for Mathematics at Banister Primary School

At Banister School, we have a number of overarching principles and aims which run through all subjects, the main one being that the children learn more, by doing more and are then able to remember more. In Mathematics, we run Maths No Problem with fidelity and consistency across the school. We have embedded a mastery approach where we aim for all children to have a secure conceptual understanding and arithmetical fluency. To support access for all, we follow a spiral approach whereby key elements are revisited thorough the year and across years so that everyone keeps up and does not need to catch up. Connections should be made explicit to the children across and within all elements to support retrieval and practise of key concepts. This slow and deep progression approach aims to set all our children up to successfully live Maths every day, utilising it in the workspace and appreciating it. This appreciation and understanding of its importance is taught in a fun, explorative way which is enjoyed by both teachers and children.