Banister Primary school is a vibrant, diverse and forward thinking school where all individuals share a passion to exceed expectations. We firmly believe that all children should believe in themselves and their abilities, be proud of their learning and celebrate their success.
We hope you all got some wonderful photos this afternoon and evening. If you have one you would like to share we would love to see them. Hope the children all had a wonderful time and huge thanks to our amazing staff for making it happen #proudtobebanister
Yr 6 graduation. Where does the year go? So lovely to have the parents here to celebrate. Our children are amazing - thank you for choosing and partnering with us. We are so incredibly proud of all our children and wish them the very best as they start their secondary education.
Party bus on the way home
We loved the Eye the Aquarium!
My favourite was everything! There are so many fun things to do in London!
Just leaving Fleet now. ETA 3:15 approx
Our favourites was just everything. Ethan loved the walk, he got to see things he wouldn’t have done by car.
Favourites bits was everything! We loved it! Especially the trailblazers at the Tower.
Our favourite was the Aquarium - we loved the fishes and it was so interesting and pretty!
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